Starved Series Speaker: Peter Kondrashov 10/29/2017 @ 7:30pm Summary: The Bible is The Creator's way of revealing Himself and who He is to His creation, and He is also revealing the path back to Himself. This is the ultimate purpose of the Word of God. He did not give The Bible to any other creation but human beings. Under this ultimate purpose, God accomplishes many other things. The Bible has other purposes, such as keeping us from sin, giving us spiritual guidance, and giving us an accurate account of Jesus so that we might believe in Him and have eternal life. It also provides us with the all-important spiritual sustenance in order to help us defeat temptation. Reader, think about this. When Jesus was being tempted in the desert by Satan himself, do you know how The Son of Man fought him off? By the Word of God! What’s interesting is that Christ didn’t just say “Be gone!”; He literally quoted scriptures from the Old Testament! Every single time! It held just as much weight as His own words for they are His words. Those words have not lost an ounce of power, and His Word is eternal. When was the last time you fought temptation out of the book of Deuteronomy? Jesus did that! Reader, you must not neglect this powerful source. The Bible was given to us, yet we allow ourselves to be malnourished from it. Don’t allow this Holy Book to be still on your bookshelf. If you must wipe off the dust from your Bible when cleaning your nightstand - you have a problem. Never let this book go untouched or unopened. No longer shall the church be starved from His word.