There are many ways to get out of singleness. The wrong way is when singleness becomes everything. You allow it to look bigger than God to the point where it becomes more important than Him. The battle we face is the battle of whether or not to compromise. We are ready to compromise our integrity, our purity, and our own Father in order to get out of being single. That's what is making singleness bigger than God! We constantly worry that "we will die alone" or that "no one likes us", so getting in a relationship becomes a priority. The only priority you should have is God, so rely on Him in your singleness. Ruth and Boaz are perfect examples of people that trusted God and went along with His plan for them while they were single. Have faith that God is with you and His plan for you is perfect. Have Faith in your singleness so that you may have Faith when He sends you the right one. 05/07/2017 Speaker: Pete Tkachuk