How does God define wisdom? He doesn't, but He does describe it from a different perspective though! So what is wisdom? Wisdom is far more precious than any jewels. Wisdom is something everyone needs, especially the fools! Wisdom is good for us; it's gives us a life that isn't prematurely cut off. Wisdom is FEARING THE LORD, but it's not the fear of harm or paranoia. Wisdom is the fear and respect of God's power! How do you receive wisdom? The first thing we need to do is seek it and have a DESIRE to have it. It requires intentionality. The second thing we need to do is STUDY. Wisdom comes from the word of God. By intentionally opening up the Bible, you are telling God that you want to receive this wisdom from Him. Also, wise men LISTEN to advice. We can receive wisdom by simply asking. If we ask, we will receive! Think about how different your life would be if you walk with the wisdom of the Creator of the universe.